



The days of Qurbani are the tenth, eleventh and twelfth of Zul Hijjah. The first day is better than the second, and the second better than the last.


In towns and cities where jumu’ah and ‘Eid are performed, Qurbani is not permissible before the ‘Eid Salat. If the Qurbani has been offered before the ‘Eid Salat, it will have to be repeated. Therefore, the time for Qurbani commences after ‘Eid Salat on 1Oth Zul Hijjah until before sunset of 12th Zul Hijjah.

It is permissible, but not preferable to perform Qurbani at night.


It is permissible to offer in sacrifice a goat or she-goat, sheep of all kinds, buffalo or camel.

It is necessary that the goat is one (full) year old, whether male or female. A buffalo will have to be two years old, and a camel five years. .Animals that are younger are not suitable for Qurbani.

A sheep (of any kind) not less than six months old, so strong and fat that it appears to be one year old will suffice for Qurbani, otherwise it will have to be one (full) year old.

A buffalo or camel will suffice for seven persons provided no one’s share is less than one seventh and the niyyah (intention) of all partners is to attain thawab (for Qurbani), and not merely to obtain meat.

The Qurbani of only one person can be performed from a goat, sheep or ram.

If an animal seller says that the animal has reached the required age, and outwardly there is no sign to disprove it, then it is permissible to rely on his statement.

Animals that are castrated can be used for Qurbani. In fact this type of animal is preferable.


Distribution of the Meat

It is preferred that the meat be divided into three equal parts, one third to be eaten by the family, one third to be presented to freinds and one third given as a charity to the needy. The Beloved Messenger (Salla Allahu ta’ala alayhi wa Sallam) said, ” Eat, store and donate. ”      (Muslim)

It is permissible to donate all of the meat as is also permissible to keep all of the meat for one’s own use if one has a big family and the family is needy. In this state it is better to keep it for the family and be generous towards them. However the skin must be donated or made it for use in the home (as a prayer mat), but it should not be given to the butcher as a compensation for his labour.


The Rationale of Sacrifice

1.  The sacrifice is a means of coming closer to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala). The Qur’an al-kareem says, ” Therefore offer prayer for your Lord, and do the sacrifice.”    (Al-Qur’an : 108 : 2)

The Qur’an also says : ” Say you, undoubtedly, my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are for the Lord of the Universe.”   (Al-Qur’an : 6 : 163).

The sacrifice here refers to the slaughtering of an animal for the purpose of seeking the purpose of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala).

2.  To revive the practise of Ibrahim Alayhi Assalam when he was about to slaughter his son Ishmail (Alayhi Assalam) and as an exchange for his son he sacrificed a ram. Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) says, ” And we compensated him with a great sacrifice. ”      (Al-Qur’an : 37 : 107)

3. To be generous to the family on the Eid Day and to show kindness to the needy and the poor.

4. Thanksgiving to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala)for providing us with animals for our benefit. Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) says, ” And eat from them and feed the content and the needy as he has made them for your service so that you may be grateful. ”       (Al-Qur’an : 22 :36)