
Welcome to Qurbani Easy​

Necessity is the mother of invention‘. Though, we the people, behind the ‘Qurbani Easy’ have been doing our bit for decades but last pandemic has forced us to think beyond and look for the solution through which Muslim brothers and sisters might he able to manage/fulfil their Qurbani obligation, even during lockdown, sitting at home, irrespective of geographical location. By the grace of Allah, ‘Qurbani Easy’ has become a known online platform for Muslim brothers and sisters to fulfill their religious obligation of Qurbani in a truly trustworthy wayto connect to the neediest section of the society through ‘Qurbani Easy’.

For 2021 Ramadan, after experiencing the overwhelming response from all corners, ‘Qurbani Easy’ started facilitation of, Sadqah & Iftaar and reached out to hundreds of families, with extended support, on your behalf. In fact, we have had mixed feelings, after seeing the socio-economic conditions of the people. On the other hand, it also gives us strength to do more, in time to come.

There never been a day when we could supply to all who queued before our team. Hence, we realized that a lot is required to be done and it is just a drop into the ocean.

In another attempt to extend your support to the needy people, this Eid ul Azha, in addition to organize the Qurbani for all of you, ‘Qurbani Easy’ will also distribute the cooked food using Qurbani meat so that people at large scale may get benefit. Allah will reward you in this world and here-after,

You are requested to opt for the cooked food option along with Qurbani while registration.

Giving charity/fulfilling the responsibility and ensuring that it reaches to the right person, are two very important aspects of our religion. ‘Qurbani Easy’ is a genuine platform that acts like a bridge between you and needy peopleto streamline the process of facilitation.

Our aim is to create a bond between you and us so that across the globe for any religious charity or donation, to help people, ‘Qurbani Easy’ might be considered as the most reliable platform, for not only its focus on making the supply chain full proof, but also in making sure that utmost care and transparency is given during distribution on the ground.

‘Qurbani Easy’ will always be committed to its mission of connecting and reaching last person in the queue. To make this happen, we will always be looking forward to your support and encouragement.


For more details on the activities, please visit our website and social media pages.

The concept of online Qurbani

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There are two kinds of people in this world- givers and takers. Takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.

Qurbanieasy.com is an organization that is trusted by a number of people around the globe. The all new concept of online qurbani lets you book your qurbani from the remotest places around the globe.