Qurbani entails adhering to specific Islamic guidelines regarding the selection, sacrifice, and distribution of animals. The sacrificial animal should meet prescribed criteria in terms of health, age, and quality to ensure the validity of the sacrifice. Additionally, the slaughter must be performed in accordance with Islamic principles, ensuring the humane treatment of animals and the sanctity of the ritual. Contemporary Challenges and Solutions: In the modern context, several challenges arise in the practice of Qurbani, necessitating innovative solutions to uphold its ethical integrity and relevance.

Qurbani 2025

Qurbani Buffalo Share


Rs. 4100/-

Goat Qurbani


Rs. 15000/-

Buffalo Full Animal


Rs. 28000/-


Rs. 4100/-

Big Animal Shares – Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani

In this category, we will perform the Qurbani you book during the three days of Eid-ul-Adha and distribute the meat to the poor and needy. For Buffalo Shares, you can book a share in a buffalo, with a total of 7shares available per animal. As per Islamic rituals, when booking shares in a large animal, each share is performed under a separate name. Therefore, in this category, you can provide only one name per share.

Please Note: Shares booked under this category will not have videography available. After the Qurbani, you will be notified via email or WhatsApp


Rs. 15000/-

Goat– Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani

In this category, we offer Qurbani for a goat, she-goat, or sheep, performed in the name of a single individual. After the sacrifice, you will receive a video link on your WhatsApp number within five days, ensuring full transparency. This video serves as proof that your Qurbani was conducted properly and in accordance with your specified name. Our process guarantees that your religious obligation is fulfilled with the utmost care and authenticity.


Rs. 28000/-

Big Animal Qurbani Booking– Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani

Our Big Animal Qurbani category allows you to book a large sacrificial animal, accommodating up to seven names for the sacrifice. This service is ideal for families who wish to perform Qurbani collectively or for individuals who prefer to book a complete large animal under their own or their family's name.

Upon successful sacrifice, we will provide you with a video of the Qurbani, ensuring complete transparency. The video will be shared with you via WhatsApp within five days of the sacrifice, which will be performed during the three days of Eid-ul-Adha.

Book your Big Animal Qurbani today and experience a seamless and reliable sacrificial process.


Recite this Dua and slaughter the animal with the words: “Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar.”
Inni waz jahtu wajahi ya lillazi fa ta rassamawati wal arz hanifauv wa ma ana minal mushriqi na in na salaati wa nusuki wa mahya ya wa mamaati lillahi rabbil aalmin. La shariq lahu wa bizali ka uriratu wa ana minal muslimin. Allahumma ma la  ka wa min ka bismillahi Allahu Akbar.
If Qurbani is on your behalf, then After Qurbani Read the below Dua:
Allahumma ta Kabbal minni kama ta kabbal ta min khalili ka Ibrahim Alayhi Wa Salatu salam wa Habeebi ka Muhammadin Saallalahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wasallam
If slaughtering on the behalf of somebody else, instead of the words: “Minni” one should say : “Min” and take the name of the person and his father on whose behalf the Qurbani is being offered (Taqabbal Min ______ bin _________)

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There are two kinds of people in this world- givers and takers. Takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.

Qurbanieasy.com is an organization that is trusted by a number of people around the globe. The all new concept of online qurbani lets you book your qurbani from the remotest places around the globe.